ICSE will conduct Board Exam for Class V and VIII for the year 2018-2019: Impact on students
Recently, Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) council CEO Gerry Arathoon announced in Kolkata that the council will conduct the board exam for students of Class V and VIII.
            Mr. Arathoon emphasized on the fact that no preparation for the exam is required separately, this is to basically assess students’ understanding of the subjects (Maths, English, Science and Social Studies) and the evaluation would be based on the academic aptitude of the students. Thus there is no provision for academically weaker students to showcase their proficiency in extracurricular activities. Moreover, according to Mr. Arathoon, “The assessment tests in Class 5 will be conducted to check what the students have learned since preschool, and the same tests in Class 8 will be conducted to check what they have learned from Class 6 onwards” (The Indian Express). This essentially implies the fact that students from their preschool days only have to go through the structured education system. This is in contrast to the report of the committee on Pre-primary and pre-school education in Delhi, Delhi High Court wherein it says “A majority of ‘big schools’ (schools which have classes upto XII) run not only nursery and Kindergarten or preparatory classes before class I, some of these schools also have pre-nursery.  Thus a child of 2-2½ years of age enters into a system which also has adolescents of 17-18 years of age”. Thus the system is “mere downward extension of the formal and structured education” which is hardly child-centric. 
In favor of the introduction of Board Exam, Mr. Arathoon thinks “data available through the assessment will give better support to students, give insight to parents about the performance of their children, keep a tab on the progress of the student and also help students identify career dimensions that align with their interests and academic strengths”. However it may pose serious problem to non-performers as from early age of 10-12 years the weaker students would be categorically marked. On top of it board will conduct parallel assessment of teachers (The Telegraph) and “if the average score of the students in a class, say, English is poor, the teacher concerned will also be awarded low marks” (an official pointed out). This would certainly create pressure on teachers as well and the same would be transferred to the students. Students would be under constant pressure to excel as their performance in board would be considered as teachers’ performance. 
Many school heads and parents are of opinion that these exams are unlikely to help younger kids as it is not clear whether these exams are conducted to test their knowledge or to prepare them how to write an exam. According to a report of The Telegraph, the exams will be held alongside the schools’ annual exams. So if annual exams are conducted that itself is preparatory for kids and then the obvious question is how an extra exam would benefit students other than creating extra pressure.
However, there do second school of thoughts exist. Not all educationists are against the idea. “It does not make any difference, they are anyway writing the exams. Whether the exam papers come directly through the board or they write the school-based exams, it shouldn’t matter”.
The topic is open for debate. Please suggest and share your thoughts on this and enlighten us.


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